PPN Leeds

Meet the UK’s most successful property investors!

Welcome to Progressive Property Network


Whether you are looking for a second source of income or you dream of quitting the J.O.B and being financially free property can be the vehicle to do this. Are you are looking for your first investment or do you already own property but think that it could provide you with a better monthly cashflow? Perhaps you are unsure about what to do next?

At Leeds PPN we offer support, advice and education to help you reach your goals. Our vision through the Progressive Property Network is to build a community and support network where together we move forward, with like-minded people, on our property journey. Together we can help, inspire, support and provide accountability on a monthly basis to help keep on track

At our monthly meetings we have expert speakers from various sectors of the property industry who will tell us about their particular skills in relation to property; they will offer advice; guide and educate us about new and time-tested strategies which are available to us. Importantly many are also property investors; they share their experiences, good and not so good thereby helping you avoid the pitfalls which can eat in to your profits and hard work. We are fortunate to have founder members from all trades and professions and they are on hand every month to help you on your property journey.

Remember at Leeds PPN we want to help you achieve your goals and fulfill your dreams. The event is all about YOU and your property success.

Our Next Event : 10th September, 2024
Timing : Arrive 6.30 PM for a 7 PM Start
The Venue:

Hilton Hotel, Neville Street, Leeds LS1 4BX

Email : 

Meet Your Event Host

Mo Jogee

Mo Jogee was always on the search to find a career where his passion and drive for what he enjoyed played a major part in his journey. Going through a boarding school made his path to lead a normal life difficult. Even at the age of 16 he didn’t have the slightest idea what he wanted to become. Society labelled him as a very quiet, shy and with very little confidence in himself.

Your Event Speakers

Dave Hartnett

Scaling from 0 - £100m+ GDV in 4 years

Dave Hartnett is the CEO and founder of the Mountbatten Estates Group of Companies, including Mountbatten Living the investment arm, Mountbatten Education and Mountbatten Construction as well as multiple SPV’s do carry out the development projects.

Having scaled a start up in the beginning of COVID, Mountbatten Estates is on track to deliver over 500 residential units to the London market.

The company’s unique style of acquiring off market sites, had led to over 260 other developers applying it to build their pipeline of D2V sites. The “VA off-market land buyer system” cuts out the middleman using prop-tech, allows developers and sourcers to go D2V and structure deals which could never be done using traditional methods. Ideal for those who do not have the time, knowledge or resources to find the sites themselves, but want a hands-free automated system which runs in the background.

Rochelle Gilburn

Rochelle Gilburn: Turning Tragedy into Triumph with a Property Portfolio Building Business and a Social Media Following of 25,000

Meet Rochelle Gilburn, a Barnsley-based property investor who has successfully completed 26 property projects over the past two years, specialising in buy, refurbish, refinance.

In that time, she has also built a social media following of 25,000, which she uses to connect with investors and share her knowledge of property investment, mindset and life.

Rochelle is a dedicated mother of two and a passionate martial arts enthusiast, holding a black belt in karate and currently training for her black belt in kickboxing.

Rochelle will share the story of her journey into property investment and how she has leveraged social media to build relationships and connect with others.

Get Your Tickets Here!

A UK-wide community of personal property networking events for local property investors like you.

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