Author: Carl Mannion Progressive Property Network Liverpool

The time of year is upon us once again and the UK education system is releasing the results
of the college students aged 16-19 who have worked their backsides off to achieve grades
ranging from A* – E . For those who don’t know this system, A* is the very best and it runs
down the alphabet to demonstrate where in the line of fellow students studying the same
qualification, they sit.

A-Levels are hugely important for many people wanting to follow the traditional academic
route of attending university to study a Bachelor degree in various topics ranging from
medicine and law, through to media studies and dance.

Many universities with international reputations will demand from students they achieve
multiple A-grades such as AAA (this means 3 subjects at grade A or higher – A*).

For students going on to study formal vocations such as medicine, law, architecture,
engineering, education, accountancy, etc., these grades are hugely important. What
happens when you don’t do so well though? What happens if you achieve a C-grade, or
worse? Does the world end? Are you destined to become unemployed for the rest of your
natural life? The answer is “NO!”

Many highly successful people have not performed well in the academic sectors but have
built multi-million or even multi-billion dollar / pound / euro businesses. So how did they do

Reason 1: Property does not care about A-levels

When you start your property journey you need to have access to finance. Usually this
comes by way of a bank or building society. Sometimes it can also come from private
individuals as a partnership and many other ways.

Do you know how many times a bank or partner ask about you’re A-level results? Zero!

What banks and partners care about is your financial ‘grade’ which is commonly called a
“credit score,” and your ability to repay the loan you have borrowed from them.

Reason 2: Many A-level subjects have little application in property sector

If you study French and you happen to find a French investor, this is fantastic! However,
many A-level subjects have no real-world bearing on business, including business studies.
What you need in property real is basic maths which is taught in primary school, a working
knowledge of the internet, a working E Mail address some basic understanding of how to fill
out forms and spreadsheets, primary ID and most importantly, be someone who can be

Reason 3: A levels don’t prepare you to build asset-backed wealth

Money is fluid. In schools you are taught by people who work for money. Money does not
make you wealthy, assets do. Property is one of the most stable, trusted and desirable
assets in the world.

Most importantly, property as an asset can earn money for you overnight while you sleep,
and gains in value over time. Why? Property is scarce and there is a high demand for homes
and business premises throughout the world (not just here in the UK).

As a property investor there are lots of opportunities to earn money and invest into other
assets too.

So if you think the world has ended with you’re a-level grades, don’t worry. This could be the
start of an amazing journey into property and gaining wealth-building assets that many of
you’re A* grade peers could not imagine.

Oh, and if you are an A* student, you can still work in the property sector, but….you have to
provide the biscuits!

Carl Mannion is a multiple business owner, property business owner and award winning
investor. You can hear him speak at Progressive Property Network Liverpool on the third
Thursday every month.
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