Introducing : Koussie Kurbaj

Koussie Kurbaj

Koussie Kurbaj, is a remarkable entrepreneur and business visionary with a story that exemplifies resilience and unwavering determination.

At the tender age of 22, fresh out of graduating in Canada, he embarked on an entrepreneurial journey that would shape the course of his life. He set his sights on Dubai and embarked on an impressive journey, establishing not just one, but nine thriving businesses across various industries.

However, life took an unexpected turn at the age of 28 when he faced the daunting challenges of a market drop and economic recession. Despite losing a staggering $9.6 million in equity, he did not succumb to adversity. With just $3200 in his pocket, he made a life-altering decision.

In a move that showcased their resourcefulness and relentless spirit, he decided to finance a car and became a driver for Uber and Lyft. For nine months, he conducted extensive market research, engaging every passenger in conversations about their professions and the licenses required for their work. This experience eventually led them to the world of real estate.

In less than seven months, he obtained a real estate license and entered the industry in 2019. What followed was nothing short of extraordinary. In under 10 months, he closed an astonishing 100 real estate deals, setting a record in the Ontario province of Canada.

With his agency he became number 1 of the top 100 agencies in Canada and on a personal level he was one of the top, under the age of 35, Entrepreneurs in Canada.

The year 2020 marked another significant milestone in his career. He joined forces with a real estate team and played a pivotal role in expanding it to a formidable group of 12 professionals. Simultaneously, Koussie initiated investments in his own real estate portfolio, showcasing an unwavering commitment to growth and success.

As we move into 2021, he has shifted his focus towards the family business empire, which spans across more than 15 companies in various countries. Their dynamic journey is a testament to their relentless pursuit of excellence and their ability to thrive even in the face of adversity.

Koussie Kurbaj, is a true inspiration and a symbol of resilience, entrepreneurship, and success. Learn from his experiences, share insights, and forge valuable connections in the world of business and entrepreneurship.

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