Introducing : Kathy Adamson

Kathy Adamson

Before becoming a landlord, my career in housing included working for Supported Housing Providers, Charities and also working in Housing Needs and Housing Strategy Roles at different local councils. In 2013 me and my husband made the decision to invest in property and that investing in property would be my new “day job”. I was on maternity leave at the time and I decided I would not return to my employment. I had no prior experience of property investing or being a landlord. The portfolio has since grown to 14 properties, mostly larger family homes. All have been bought with the aim of renting the property out at LHA rates and taking referrals from local councils and charities.

I enjoy being a landlord and enjoy the freedom of working for myself as it enables me to work flexible hours and spend time with my husband and two children.

I became involved with Safe Suffolk Renters in November 2023 when I attended their conference in Ipswich. My involvement started just by talking with the Landlord Engagement Officer at the time and giving ideas. I joined the team as Landlord Engagement Lead in February 2024. I think this project has a lot to offer landlords and I am keen to let local landlords know what the project can offer them.

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