Introducing : Ibby Aslam

Ibby Aslam

My name is Ibby Aslam. I'm an author & business mentor. I'm also the co-founder of Bricks & Mortar Club.

Just over 7 years ago I came out of prison with nothing to my name to now owning a multi 7 figure corporation.

I run 3 days of challenges every month where I work with small and medium sized business owners and help them scale, I also have podcasts on business and entrepreneurship.

Building multiple successful businesses such as restaurants, property/business coaching and media companies from scratch.

Eventually then becoming a CEO of a multi 7-figure corporation.

Getting featured in Men's Health and Muscle and Health magazine for my 90 days physical transformation.

Gaining national attention for my businesses and media presence.

Developing a reputation as a high-performance specialist dedicated to helping others achieve their goals.

Giving back to my community and helping others who are facing similar challenges.

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