Introducing : Beth Cardy
Beth Cardy
Beth is a multiple business owner, one including setting up and managing a Bakery. She’s been a BTL landlord for over ten years, and has a background in Fashion Design. Has a portfolio of Serviced Accommodation, mostly under SA management, but also owns property. Has experience doing refurbs and staging, and is a service she offers to Investors that needs guidance in the field.
Her passion is interior design, and is the main reason she got into property, along with wanting to help likeminded people get out of their jobs to pursue the property route, for a better way of life. Her aim is to help as many people create outstanding interiors and investments for better returns.
Particularly her talk will be about how to elevate Serviced Accommodation units to get better occupancy.
Beth will share interior design hacks and ideas on how to stage a property on a budget, to increase your returns.