Introducing: Mike Chadwick
Mike Chadwick has been investing in property since 2009. He started life in Cheshire and subsequently has lived and worked in Washington, Madrid, Brussels and Cambridge as well as elsewhere in the UK. He has two sons and is a qualified Football Association coach. He currently splits his time between Cheshire and Yorkshire. His main focus at present is on buy to let, refurbishment and houses of multiple occupancy.
Mike is a part time investor and also works in a senior business development role for a large university. Prior to this he worked for the UK government’s Department of Business, Innovation and Skills, evaluating the impact of economic development investments to inform government ministers’ decisions on the best ways to invest public money.
Mike also worked for ten years in private sector consultancy where he raised over £10 million in regeneration funds for various projects. He worked on strategies to attract global IT and headquarters investments to London, and led the team that provided the first review on women’s enterprise in England. He also worked in the Department of Applied Economics at the University of Cambridge where he taught and co-ordinated a major European economics project, and prior to that was a consultant in Brussels. Mike has a first class econ. degree and post-graduate qualifications. Mike sees the South Manchester & Cheshire property network as a great addition to the local
networking offer because it allows investors to attend a meeting which focuses on helping and supporting each other as well as sharing learning about what works in property investing and how.