Introducing : Mark Smith

Mark Smith

Business Structuring and Tax Planning for Landlords 2022. 

• Are you a hands-on landlord looking to counter the effects of loss of finance cost relief? 

• Do you want to get your business into a company structure without having to refinance your current lending?

• Do you want to pass on as much of your business as you can whilst minimising the effects of IHT? 

• Do you want to maximise your personal tax allowances? 

Mark Smith is a barrister well-known in the private rented sector. He led the legal team that recovered £27million of unlawfully charged mortgage interest from West Bromwich Building Society in 2016 on behalf of 6200 landlords (Mark Alexander v West Bromwich). 

Since 2015 he and his team of barristers, along with the consultant team have helped hundreds of landlords to structure their businesses for tax efficiency, robustness and durability for the next generation

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