Staying COVID-19 secure in 2020
Introducing: Gary Das
Gary Das
I’m HUGELY passionate about helping Mortgage & Insurance Advisers to grow their business & their income without stress. I spent my rst 10 self-employed years overwhelmed with stress (2006 to 2015), while I built an insurance brokerage to 7 gures. I HATED it.
So in January 2016, I started all over again & within 15 months banked £329,000 with 1 PA and no pipeline.
The mistakes I made over the initial 10 years became my education to change my life and build a 7 gure brokerage that runs without me.
I went from being stressed out, working all the hours possible and spending £20,000 per month on low quality life insurance leads to having the time to run 4 businesses with a team of 32 throughout the UK in under 5 years.
- Without Overwhelm
- Without Making Huge Sacrifices
- Without Losing Time With My Wife and 3 kids
Now I coach other advisers on how to do the same without having to give it all out on your own .