PPN Milton Keynes

Meet the UK’s most successful property investors!

Welcome to Progressive Property Network

Milton Keynes

Milton Keynes

PPN MK is a monthly networking event for all property investors whatever your strategy, whether you are a seasoned investor looking at flips or large-scale developments or a new investor finding your feet there will be something of value for you. The host and expert speakers will cover a range of ideas from rent to rent to running multiple development sites concurrently. Not only will you get to meet new like-minded individuals in the audience the speakers will be on hand to answer any questions you may have that can help you advance your goals.

Sometimes it can be a lonely place if you are going at it solo and coming to events like this allows you to share your ideas and knowledge but often great partnerships can be formed especially if you meet people with opposing skill sets. In an open and sharing environment, everyone encourages each other to find better ways to work or grow via your own chosen strategy, as they say, you don’t know what you don’t know and one piece of information can completely change the way you see or approach things. They say your network is your net worth so by becoming part of the community we can all grow together to succeed.

So, if you want to be hands-on, hands-off, just starting or have been in the game for years come along to our friendly event where you will find a no-nonsense environment with people happy to share and help and above all to be inspired!

 We can’t wait to see you here



Our Next Event : 6th August, 2024
Timing : Arrive 6.30 PM for a 7 PM Start
The Venue : We have a NEW venue

Midsummer Tap, 1 Savoy Crescent, Milton Keynes, MK9 3PU

Email : 

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Meet Your Event Host

Neil Briggs

Introducing Neil Briggs 

If you have been in the property scene in Milton Keynes before you probably would recognise Neil Briggs, he started in the industry in 2001 as a Mortgage Advisor and has since then gone on to establish several businesses and a multimillion-pound property portfolio.

Your Event Speakers

Atuksha Poonwassie

Atuksha manages Simple Crowdfunding, a property investment platform offering both equity and peer to peer lending opportunities. She is a Director of the UK Crowdfunding Association, and regularly engages with policymakers and the regulators to advance this marketplace for all sectors.

She is the 2017 national Venus ‘Influential Woman of the Year’ award winner and is recognised in the P2P Finance News' Power 50 in 2019, 2020 and 2021 (making the top 10 cut over the last two years). This list highlights the 50 most influential people in P2P.

Atuksha is also a huge fan of Customer Relationship Management (CRM) and data analytics, having run a CRM consulting business for 15+ years. Being a firm believer in building a strong community and customer base, she uses her expertise to help property professionals raise finance, build a crowd, and stand out in the market, whilst providing better access to the UK property market to everyone.

Davin Poonwassie

Davin runs all operations within Simple Crowdfunding. His background is in IT and database design and implementation, running a consultancy that provided guidance and support to implement global solutions to manage and protect customer and company data. With a background in data and information technology, Davin is well suited to this online property finance marketplace and uses his skills and expertise to enhance the Simple offering.

Davin's first property venture was when he was at University, where he managed the student accommodation that he lived in. Since then, he has invested in many property projects, both off and on-platform, investing in the UK and France.

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A UK-wide community of personal property networking events for local property investors like you.

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