Introducing : Anthony Boyce
Anthony Boyce
The Power of Joint Ventures in Business & Property
Anthony Boyce – The Rocket Group (Architecture, Archaeology, Heritage, Construction, Ecology & Development), The Property Thing, Investor & Developer.
Like many, Anthony started his investment journey while working a full-time job, and with a new young family to provide for. The arrival of small human beings usually flips a switch in your head!
From the start, Anthony realised that to get to where he wanted to go quicker, it would be better to partner with others to share the ups, downs and financial risks & rewards.
7 years on, after starting with a small 2-up 2-down BTL purchase with a friend, he has steadily grown his portfolio from that first £50k purchase to much larger deals & JVs, including barn & commercial conversions, Grade II listed change of use conversions and a 135-acre holiday park scheme (a current combined pipeline GDV in excess of £15mil).
For the past 3 years, this has also been achieved using very little of his own money, raising over £1.5mil and rising in private investment through social media & networking.
All this, while also growing his property service businesses (Rocket) from a team of 2 to over 30 across multiple sectors within the last 2 years.
None of this would have been possible without joint venturing with the right people.
This will be a “warts and all” account of where he’s gone wrong, what it’s taken to get there, and how you could learn from his mistakes to further your own investment strategies.