Introducing : Halstead Ottley
I never had much money when I was growing up. I did anything I could as a boy to earn money, paper round and odd jobs for neighbours. In my last year of school I took a Saturday job in a shop and started saving money.
My first introduction to property and what it can do for you came from my mother. She needed to raise some money so she had the house valued. My mum took me to one side and said that she had had the house valued and that they had made a mistake. She said that she and my dad had paid £1,200 for the house and that it was worth £22,000, which must be a mistake. In 14 years I couldn’t think of anything that could make that sort of money, so I did what I could to save 5% for deposits and buy property.
I didn’t know what I was doing and I became very good at negotiating the properties for the full asking price. I made lots of mistakes which cost me almost to loose everything, and if you are lucky at some point I might share that story with you.
In 2008 I discovered education, and soon found that there was a better way to buy properties and not only that, you could get an income from it. So I signed up for various courses with different training organisations which laid the foundation for what I am achieving today.
I am at present a member of the Progressive Property group and have done almost all of their courses. I am into my second year of their VIP programme, which is a year long mentorship programme. This has helped me to put together two JV agreements and have been able to buy eight properties without using any of my own money. I have a very good income from property and thoroughly enjoy property investing.
I am sport mad, football, cricket and karate to name but a few are what dominated my social life and spare time until I got married and had children. Although I am mainly a spectator now I still get enjoyment from watching my children and sport on tv now and then. I am also a personal trainer and I am fascinated by how the body works. I teach aerobics, karate and pilates and clients one to one, which I really love, especially when my clients tell me of the results they are getting as a direct result from my input.
I will be running the Progressive Property Network in the Ipswich area and I am looking forward to meeting people who want to be involved in property in some way.