Host Your Local Property
Networking Event

Become a PPN Host Today and You Could Raise Millions!

Results are the bottom line and we are committed to helping you achieve your goals and we believe that these events can help to do this by...

  1. • Positioning Yourself As An Industry Expert.
  2.  Meeting Like Minded Investors.
  3.  Promoting Yourself Without Being “Sales-y”.
  4.  Selling Your Deals And Services.
  5.  Gaining You The Knowledge You Need To Succeed On Your Journey.
  6.  KEEP Learning, KEEP Sharing and KEEP Growing.
  7.  Building YOUR community.
  8.  Building YOUR connections.

Find Out More Now!

Why I got Involved with PPN

Jamie Madill 

Investing in property doesn’t have to be a lonely journey full of difficult decisions. I got involved in PPN because I wanted to raise my profile and help other local property investors in my area. Being part of a community offers instant access to a massive wealth of knowledge, experience and opportunities that enable you to reach the next level and find solutions to your issues.  Being a PPN Host has allowed me to position myself in the community as the go to property guy for advise, I have gained investment properties from finance raised with my attendees/ new partners and learnt a lot myself from my peers and the speakers/ experts I attract.  

Our Values


By staying on the cutting edge of property strategy we have moved from strength to strength and now we want to show you how you can do the same.


By creating engaging, actionable content that you can use from DAY 1 we will help you hit the ground running on your property adventure.


By always delivering a high level of service, not just at the events you attend, but every time you pick up the phone, drop us an email or come to the office.


 We create a sense of family, community and engagement. We want you to know that we are here to help you and support you on your journey.

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